Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Blog #7: Online Privacy


    Our privacy is something that we all hold dear. Even those of us that are more casual with our privacy still wish to have it. So obviously, when this privacy is violated or ignored, we become irritated and uneasy. With technology having such a large impact in our modern lives, it is upsetting to learn just how often they are used to violate our privacy.

    While watching these TED Talks on online privacy, there was one that shocked me the most. Learning how police officers are using cameras to track certain people was shocking and scary. Unfortunately we live in a time where we almost expect for big tech companies and the federal government to invade our privacy, but learning how your local police force may know when and where you go anywhere is truly terrifying. We discussed in class how this could lead to cases of sensitive information becoming shared. Examples such as going to a mosque and being put on a watch list simply because of practicing your religion. That example is mild in comparison to some of the possibilities.

    When it comes to government interference in these matters, sometimes they would have to interfere with themselves and their own actions. This leads to nothing happening because they know what they're doing and want to continue their actions. Besides that point, I do not believe that, in the current state of outdated laws, the government can do much of anything on these issues. Most of them lie within areas like the terms and conditions when downloading an app. Technically, we agree to our privacy being violated and there is not much that the government can do about that.

    What we can do to help ourselves stay safe in our technologically advanced world is decently simple. A very easy way to keep our information safe is to use pseudonyms instead of entering our real information on the internet. Staying anonymous through fake information is a very valid way of staying safe. This is just one way of keeping your information out of the hands of those who don't need to know it. While there are many who wish to use our lack of privacy for their own gain, we can combat them with good habits that keep our information safe.

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