Thursday, February 3, 2022

Post #2: The U.S. Supreme Court

 Before reading this article from the History Channel, I did not know a great deal about the U.S. Supreme Court. Now that I have read it, I don't know how I have gone so long knowing so little about a crucial part of our government.

As stated previously, I really haven't known too much about the Supreme Court. So, in turn, I learned a lot from reading this article. To not simply write out a "laundry list" of information I learned, I will write out the most intriguing piece of information that I learned.

I had previously believed that the Supreme Court Justices were simply put in place by the president. I have now learned that the U.S. Senate can deny these choices from the president if they so choose. I think that this is quite fascinating and really shows that the checks and balances formula exists in almost every system and every choice of our government.

The most surprising bit of information in this article was that the number of seats has fluctuated so much over the years of its existence. I thought that it was fascinating how there was a system where the number of Supreme Court seats was a range of anywhere from five to ten seats. Eventually, in 1869, Congress set the number of seats to the mighty nine that we know today.

This article has given me a decent amount of information about the Supreme Court. I feel that with this newfound knowledge of this system in our government, I have a deeper understanding and more respect for the Justices that sit in those nine seats. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to have that honor.

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