Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Post #8: EOTO False Flags

    I chose to do my second Each One Teach One on the topic of false flags. False flags have been surrounded with a history of deviousness, conspiracy, and overall a whole lot of deception. So what is a false flag anyway? A false flag is when an individual or group of people commit an act and cover it up by making it appear to have been committed by another individual or group. This is usually a tactic for war but it can be utilized on a much smaller scale.

    The first historical uses of false flags were privateers and pirates during the 16th century. These groups would fly the flag of another group to lure in ships associated with that group. They would then wait for the enemy ship to come close enough and attack. This is how the name false flag came about for this tactic.

    Modern uses of this tactic are more-so for wars and disputes between countries. In the 1950's, the U.S. and the U.K. began to bomb mosques in Iran. They then went on to blame these attacks on communist who were sympathetic to the government of Iran. This false flag campaign was set in motion because Iran's Prime Minister, Mohammad Mosaddegh, had nationalized the country's oil industry. Mosaddegh was taken out of his position and the nationalization was reverted.

    What exactly are the implication of false flags? Are they a good or bad thing? Well, the implications are very tricky. When used, false flags can severely misrepresent reality, leading hundreds of thousands of people to believe a lie. This is just one of the reasons for why false flags are ultimately a morally bad tactic. Another reason for why the morals of false flags do not stand is that it usually targets a group of people that will suffer for the gain of another group or individual. This tactic is only good for one reason and that reason is that it is immensely useful for those who wield it. It is a sound tactic that will usually yield favorable results. This reason does not justify the negative effects that it places onto the world.

    As we have seen in the past, false flags are an incredibly powerful tactic that can sway the opinion of the masses and grant you what you wish. The granting of the wish comes with a price that is too high to justify morally. This horrible tactic negatively affects the entire world to the point of certain historical moments being questioned with conspiracy and innocent people unjustly paying a price. While effective, this tactic does nothing but hurt innocent people for the gain of those who wield it. 

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