Friday, February 18, 2022

Post #5: Anti-War

    The world has seen its fair share of wars and conflicts between countries. Wars are fought for many different reasons, but sometimes it is simply out of hatred. I would be willing to bet that most people are anti-war. When I say this, I do not mean that they are anti-America or anti-veterans, but instead that they do not support the wars themselves.

    War, for the most part, hurts the countries involved. Not only are a countless number of lives lost in these wars, but the economies of countries that fight in wars, usually decline. War is not a flattering or glamorous thing to be involved with. It is incredibly messy and harmful so obviously there are going to be a multitude of people that speak out against these acts.

    Although most people are anti-war, we rarely hear anything about it. These speakers that fight against the wars are often hard to find. To seek them out you must look further than normal and find their websites. You will not see too much anti-war speech on your big network news outlets like Fox or CNN. Unfortunately, this is not all that surprising. Anti-war voices have historically been silenced or punished. I honestly do not know why governments are resistant to listening to anti-war voices in countries of the people like the United States of America. It is a saddening truth that we like to stick our nose into other countries' business and make it our own. Looking back through history, this much is evident. But with almost every single war that the U.S. has fought, its people protest it. They only want for it to end and our soldiers to get sent back home. Unfortunately, I do not have a concrete answer because I do not believe that there is a good answer. I think that governments of countries find themselves in competitions for who is "bigger and badder and meaner and better". They get so caught up in this that they forget about reality. That is my best answer for why governments are so pro-war, even when their people preach the exact opposite.

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