Thursday, January 20, 2022

Post #1: My Top 5 Sources for News

 When it comes to gaming news, there are a couple of sources that I follow.

The first source that I like to get gaming news from is They always have interesting, recent news for all genres of games. They provide me with updates for all of my favorite video games. Dexerto also deals with news in E-Sports for anyone who likes anything from Overwatch League to the Call of Duty League. And for anyone interested, Dexerto also provides media news for platforms like Twitch and TikTok.

A second source of gaming news that I get information from is IGN. They have been providing news on gaming and entertainment media for a very long time now. They are always writing interesting, relevant, and informational articles about all of the most recent news in gaming and more. I like IGN because I know that if there is something happening in the gaming world, they will be writing about it. I can keep up with news from a multitude of different games.

A source of news for all things comic books that I like is They write about a lot of different comic book related topics. This includes anything from movies to TV shows to comic books themselves. Why I like CBR is because they write about both factual news and theories or rumors. They always make sure to tell the reader which is which so there isn't much confusion. I like to read about the theories and rumors just as much as the factual news of what is confirmed.

Not to be confused with CBR, is another source for comic book related news. ComicBook also deals with almost every media, including video games, tv shows, movies, and more. Very similarly to, provides interesting and informational articles on all of the pop culture topics that I love.

When I do read more political articles, they always seem to come from The Washington Post. I like their political news because it keeps me informed and up to date with everything that is going on in this crazy world. For the most part, I believe that the content that they write is trustworthy, but I will say that I do not blindly trust any political news outlet. Everyone has their own agenda and beliefs so I make sure to truly look into a topic if I see it on The Washington Post and it interests me. Overall, their content is a way for me to keep up with the times.

Final Blog Post: Our Relationship with Technology

The good, the bad, and the ugly. There's really no better way of describing our relationship with technology. It has helped us in accomp...